How to Study for Exams without Sacrificing Your Health

Life as a CCNM student has been a huge learning curve for me which has come with many ups and downs. A typical day in class for me starts at 9am and ends at 5pm, with back-to-back classes. Living this heavy-class schedule for the past year has allowed me to master my time management skills to ensure that I can be a successful student, daughter, friend and most importantly mental health advocate in my community.

The key to my excellent time management skills lies in my ability to prioritize my health. I have done an extensive amount of experimentation to create a life-routine that is able to support both my mind and my body during stressful periods. For all of the students preparing for final exam season here are my top tips that will help you be a successful student without sacrificing your health!

TIP #1: Take Care of Yourself

It is so important to take care of yourself when facing stressful periods in school. A good foundation to start with is by eating healthy foods, exercising, and getting enough sleep. When it comes to eating healthy foods, the golden rule I like to follow is to eat lots of vegetables with every meal. I am all for moderation and enjoying life when it comes to eating. For example, I’ll eat a piece of pizza on Friday night but I will compliment it with a salad on the side and skip the chips.

In terms of exercising, I always make time to move my body whether it be by waking up early to fit a workout in before my day begins, or by taking a quick walk in between classes. Exercise helps to reduce stress and can give your mind the clarity it needs to power through longer study periods.

The last piece to this 3-part foundation is to get enough sleep! This is an area many students struggle with and are quick to sacrifice during exam season. The problem with that is that sleep is critical to revitalize your body, as well as store long-term memory. It is important that you try your best to get at least 8-9 hours of sleep every night during exam season.

TIP #2: Get Support

I am constantly reaching out for support from my friends and family, and I am not afraid to ask for help when I need it. Exam time is stressful and you don’t have to face this stress alone if you don’t want to. Reach out to your friends, family or another trusted adult! If you need additional resources check out the links below, and remember that asking for help shows strength, not weakness!

Additional Resources:

Kids Help Phone:


York Hills:

TIP #3: Develop Healthy Social Media Habits

Social media can be a great tool to use to interact and connect with other people. However, this tool can become distracting and can affect your concentration if you do not use it cautiously. There is nothing wrong with checking or using social media, but if you are using every study break to check how many likes you have or who DM’d you next then it can become problematic!

Having healthy social media habits will ensure that you perform at your best by staying focused during exam season. My top two tips would be to schedule time off and track your social media usage. This will allow you to be aware of how much you are actually using social media, and it will give you the opportunity to be deliberate in using your time efficiently by being in control of your technology. Other things you can do to develop a healthy relationship with social media is to take breaks by spending time in nature. Studies have shown that spending time in nature can decrease stress and improve short-term memory, which are both helpful during exam time! Consistently spending time in a virtual world can make it easy to forget about the beauty that surrounds you, so take a moment to rejuvenate your mental health by appreciating nature.

“Tough times never last, but tough people do.”

~Robert H. Schuller

Preparing for exams can be hard, but you don’t have to make it harder on yourself by letting your health suffer. Eat nutritious food, get moving, develop a healthy relationship with your technology, and most importantly get extra support when you need it. Take control of your life by making deliberate decisions that will steer you in the direction of your best health and success. Believe in yourself. You can do this.

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