Constipation: Staying regular during the holiday season

With the holiday season in full swing, it’s likely that many of us have already begun the planning and celebrations. And what’s a celebration without delicious food, tasty treats…and constipation?

Yes, you read that right. The holiday season is a time full of change from our typical schedules. And that often includes a change in our bowel habits!

Constipation refers to infrequent or uncomfortable bowel movements. Ideally, we want to be having 1-2 comfortable bowel movements each day. Any less than this means you are constipated.

So why do our bowel habits often change during the holidays?

  1. Dehydration: with an increase in socialization, it’s common that we increase our intake of other types of drinks during this time (eg. alcohol, juices, etc.), and our water intake decreases. In addition, specific beverages, like alcohol, can make us more dehydrated. Without proper hydration, it’s difficult to have regular bowel movements.

  2. Dietary Changes: when eating with family and friends, we tend to indulge a little more than usual. This often leads to a diet that is higher in fat and sugar, and lower in fibre. Without adequate fibre, we are unable to have regular bowel movements.

  3. Change in Sleep Schedule: with potential days off from work, the kids at home, and later nights spent with family and friends, it’s likely that our sleep schedules have changed. When our daily schedule changes, so does our “intestinal clock” that regulates bowel movements.

  4. Decreased Daily Movement: it’s easy to fall off the exercise schedule when we are celebrating the holiday season. Without adequate movement, the rate of peristalsis (muscle contractions) in the intestinal tract decreases. This means it takes food more time to move through the system, resulting in less regular bowel movements

Top tips to help avoid constipation this holiday season:

  1. Drink 1 glass of water each morning upon waking to ensure you start the day off hydrated

  2. Incorporate 30 minutes of walking daily to help keep the intestines moving

  3. Keep a regular schedule! Try waking up and going to sleep at the same time daily

  4. Aim for 1/2 of your plate to be fruits and vegetables! This will ensure adequate fibre intake.

  5. Drink 1 cup of peppermint tea daily- as a bonus, this will also help with bloating!
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(905) 201-6497

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