
How Sweet It Is

I get asked about sweeteners frequently and thought I would write a small segment on the most common ones and the potential health risks associated with them. I will start by adding a disclaimer that I am very much against artificial sweeteners and this is my biased

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A Perspective On A Girl’s First Moon

A few young ladies (tweens) I know have recently passed that female coming-of-age moment – their first menstrual period.  I also recently found out that Kotex makes pads for tweens –in a shiny box with funky coloured wrappers and designs on the pads.  The pads are thinner

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To cleanse or not to cleanse

As a Naturopath I probably shouldn’t share this story but hey, we are human too! I recently had a visitor from out of town and after a week of pastas, sugars, too much coffee and hardly any fruits and vegetables my body literally felt like garbage. Trust

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