
Start Your New Year By Doing Nothing

How much down time do you have?  What do you do in your downtime?  When is the last time you sat and did nothing in quiet? In our distraction-dominated culture, we are typically very good at avoiding quiet, reflective moments.  Most people fill their downtime with something

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If you subscribe to our newsletter, or just have heard the term “low-glycemic” thrown around in various recipes or linked to certain “magic diets”, you may be wondering what this actually means. It can be incredibly confusing to navigate all the various marketing claims nowadays, including the

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The Power of Routine

September is here and fall is right around the corner! The next few months are a busy time for many, and it can get a bit overwhelming. We all have little tasks that must get done on a daily, weekly, and even monthly basis. This never-ending to-do

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