Naturopathic Medicine

Let’s Talk About Obesity

It seems like the newest “taboo” is to talk about being overweight. As a health practitioner, I see this as a worrying trend. Being able to maintain a healthy body weight has huge implications for health, mental and physical wellbeing, and disease prevention. And by silencing our ability to talk

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If you subscribe to our newsletter, or just have heard the term “low-glycemic” thrown around in various recipes or linked to certain “magic diets”, you may be wondering what this actually means. It can be incredibly confusing to navigate all the various marketing claims nowadays, including the

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Winter Itch: Dealing With Eczema

Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by dry skin patches with redness and itching. It can occur anywhere on the body, but is often found in flexural areas such as elbow creases and the back of the knees. The most common type of eczema is

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